Friday, May 19, 2006


So I'm watching one of my favorite teen dramas Thursday night and it was the Pivotal Season-Ending Graduation Episode.

I don't know if you are a fan of my favorite teen drama, but a quick rundown is this: three kids grow up together in their idyllic seaside town. Then, during their sophomore year of high school, the new kid, trying to escape a poor family life, comes to town and shakes things up. Much drama ensues in high school leading up to the Pivotal Season-Ending Graduation Episode. One wonders what will happen next? Two of the main characters are off to college in New England. Another is going to college in California. And as a last-minute surprise, one of our friends will not be going to college but will instead join the crew of a yacht and sail around the world.

Yes, I sure did love Dawson's Creek.

However -- SPOILER ALERT! -- perhaps the Creek should have taken a cue from the OC and killed off Dawson before he went to college. (Seriously though, bold move to kill off one of your lead characters just because their storylines got tedious and boring.)

Regardless, let's face facts people: The O.C. is a Neo-Creek. Just run with me on this one, because if you don't I'll just launch into my Neo-Fresh Prince theory. (C'mon! Ryan Atwood is Will Smith! Seth Cohen is Carlton Banks! Discuss.)


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