Monday, November 29, 2004


So as I'm on my way to O'Hare on Saturday I pass a billboard promoting Bulls season tickets that said "BULLS: Through Thick and Thin."

Classy, Jerry. Now you're guilting people into buying tickets to your crappy team? "Sure I destroyed the Bulls, but you aren't some sort of fair-weather fan... are you?"

Nice one. Jag.

MEANWHILE IN WASHINGTON: Major League Baseball unveiled the new name for the Expos, who will now be known as The Washington Dubyas.

Ok, not really. It's the Washington Nationals. Which, you know, is fine. But as long as were going with abstract names for teams -- and I've said this before -- the NBA should have renamed the Bullets the Washington Justice. Like the Supreme Court Justices. Then, since it's basketball, you could have said stuff like "Order on the court!" and "Welcome to the Supreme Court!"

I'm tellin' you, it would have been awesome.


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