Wednesday, February 23, 2005


So did you read that Wired story about celebs going to Apple Stores? Yeah well, as Defamer points out, neither did Jeannette Walls. In an item that seems like something straight out of the Onion, the MSNBC gossip columnist reported that Kevin Smith "frequents a place called Genius Bar" but is often pissed when he has to wait.

Which makes me realize that Apple Stores would be way cooler if they served beer. And there's no reason they couldn't tune that big screen into the game...

ITEM! Gawker points us to an excellent reason for Larry King to read my blog. An excerpt from his interview this week with Growing Pains star Tracey Gold:

KING: [After the accident], did you hear from people in the industry or, like, support from “Growing Pains” people?

GOLD: Yes. Absolutely. Well, the interesting thing was, we were doing publicity for the “Growing Pains” movie a month after the accident, so…

KING: There was a “Growing Pains” movie?

GOLD: Yes, we did a reunion movie when I was, like, nine months pregnant with my baby.

KING: When is that going to air?

GOLD: It aired.



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