Friday, November 04, 2005


So I'm reading Entertainment Weekly and there's a review of the new Revenge of the Sith DVD. Tucked inside the review is this little tidbit:

The six tasty deleted scenes include Padme forming the rebel alliance with Mon Mothma and Yoda arriving in exile on Dagobah.

Those were DELETED SCENES? George, that's the show! That's the whole dang thing! With the Death Stars and the Ice Planets and the Jedis Returning and all of these things. How do you delete those scenes but leave in "Hold me ... Hold me like you did by the lake at Naboo." C'MON!

*IN OTHER NEWS: [EDITED] I had a bit here about Robb Montgomery leaving the Sun-Times to become a full-time newspaper design consultant. Then I included a bit about the redesign of the Las Vegas Sun, which I thought was a tab. It's not. Which sort of ruins the attempted humor of the post. So yeah. Nevermind.

MEANWHILE: Whitley is engaged (man, everyone in LA is getting married these days) ... Judson Green is taking some of that sweet Google Maps money and giving DePauw's PAC an extreme makover ... and who knew Kate was a features designer?


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