Tuesday, March 13, 2007


In the words of Stephen Colbert, I Called It! Well, okay. Not "in print." But still. President Bottoms announced Monday that DePauw would sever ties with DZ after the spring semester. The New York Times has a story too. The story has received nearly 200 comments on IndyStar.com. My favorite of these comments are the ones suggesting Bottoms revoked the sorority's charter not because of the bad publicty, not because of the poor judgement shown by the national organization, but because ... the University wants the building.

It's as if Bottoms is Mr. Burns, biding his time for these lovely women to make one false move ... and then BAM! The University would finally have the half-acre across from Marv's that they've been craving for so long. Egg-cellent.

People have alternately suggested that the DePauw DZ house is "in the middle of campus" and "right at the entrance to campus." Please. I could name half a dozen Greek houses one could say are "in the middle of campus." DZ ain't one. And everybody knows the "campus entrance" is a joke. If the University wanted some offices, they should have kicked off Phi Psi. That room over the driveway would make a great President's Office. Or perhaps they should have given Sigma Chi its walking papers. That way they could expand the Administration Building right into SigChi's backyard. Meanwhile, SAE better watch its back: The Center for Contemporary Media is going to need a multimedia wing at some point.

The thing is, the University WILL end up owning that property, and hence all the conspiracy theorys will be proven correct. But I ask you: What the hell else is supposed to happen to it? If it's not a dorm, what could it be? Greencastle can only support so many funeral homes.

Meanwhile, DZ officials - while refusing to reverse their decisions - are clearly doing nothing but dealing (poorly) with this situation. Early Monday, nothing on the Delta Zeta Web site worked properly. Now the entire site has been devoted to lashing out at DePauw and it's students and faculty. Good call, DZ. Erase any record that your organization was about more than this incident. Their PR person is clearly in over their head.

Also, kudos to The DePauw for getting the news online before the paper came out. Nice work. There's a ton of DZ-related stuff on the site now ... and the forums are pretty active as well.

IN OTHER NEWS: Radar weighs in on Wendy's new Flavor Dipped Chicken Sandwich.

FINALLY: This is completely unrelated I swear:


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