Thursday, June 23, 2005


After much prodding I finally put up some photos from DePauw's reunion weekend. Enjoy.

MEANWHILE: News of my impending move has been ricocheting all over the Internets. First Newsdesigner then Supafine and VizEds and now SportsDesigner. Man, I should change jobs more often. It's good publicity. (I've got another joke here... but I think I'm going to skip it. Much as I skipped a joke in my last post. Don't worry, I'm sure we will include them in the DVD.)

Saturday, June 18, 2005


So, I'm not sure if it is a testament to the tenacious reporting done by Newsdesigner or my own supreme laziness, but I got scooped on events involving my own life. has always been your best source of information on pretty much, um, nothing. But I liked to think it was the No. 1 authority on news involving Kenney Marlatt. Apparently, not so much.

But, the reports are true: I've taken a job with the Indianapolis Star. I'll be in California another couple weeks and then it's back to the Hoosier state. Remember: You heard it here second!

Thursday, June 09, 2005


INDIANAPOLIS -- I've been hanging out in Indy all week. Went to see an Indians minor league game the other night. It got me thinking that perhaps San Jose really would be better served by building the San Jose Giants a nice downtown ballpark rather than spend so much effort trying to lure a major league team. Just sayin'.

Also, the other day T-Ball and I had half a dozen beers and two appetizers downtown for twenty bucks. Just sayin'.

ANOTHER POST ABOUT THE POST: Back on the Deep Throat bidness, I guess I had it right when I said that I thought Woodward may not have believed that Felt was coherent enough to release him from their confidentiality agreement:

WOODWARD: It was a number of years ago I talked to him and it was clear to me that he -- and this was the reluctance we had -- that he has dementia, and he -- his memory is often non-existent on critical matters.

Ben Bradlee was slightly more blunt: "The guy has not got all his marbles."

And while we're on Bradlee, he also had a great quote about government officials that try to tell him a story is going to threaten National Security: "I spent almost four years on a destroyer in the Pacific ocean during World War II and it makes my blood boil when some guy who maybe ran an insurance company in the Midwest becomes an assistant secretary of this or that and tells me about national security."

TURNS OUT THE G6 PROCESSOR IS A PENTIUM: It came out this week that by then end of 2007, all Macintosh computers will be running on Intel microchips. That rumor has been around for about, oh, a dozen years... so I guess if you wait long enough anything can happen. If you need me, I'll be down at the Cingular store looking for a MacOS-based smart-phone.

Meanwhile, I'm throwing out an Arrested Development-style "C'mon!" to The New York Times, which writes that when Steve Jobs "sold Next to Apple in 1997 and then returned to the company to lead its resurgence, he moved the operating system to the PowerPC." An interesting assertion, considering the first PowerPC-based Macs were introduced in 1994. Before Jobs returned to the company. C'mon!

And back in California, our story in the Merc noted that analysts are saying that the Intel switch will make it "effortless" for someone to switch from Windows to a Mac. That sounds a bit overblown to me. If you put me in the driver's seat of a Pontiac, but tell me the engine is the same as in my VW, I still don't know where the windshield wipers are.

ALSO: High-school principal plagiarizes graduation speech ... and alternate uses for lightsabers

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


So, if you only read one story linked in a blog today, I suggest you read this one about the 49ers' training video showing players how to deal with the media in a diverse city like San Francisco. It kicks off with a visit to the City's Chinatown and features a "bespectacled, buck-toothed Chinese man," then throws in some topless women and sprinkles in some homophobia for good measure.

So best: The Niners PR guy keeps telling the players to "be careful" because everything they say or do could wind up in the media and that reflects back on the team. Of course, the PR guy is saying this surrounded by strippers.

Just go read it for yourself. Or better yet, watch the video. Ho. Lee. Crap.